Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Learning New Tricks:)

I am slowly figuring out that Titan likes to be near me...He is especially near by when I am in my high chair. Mom figures it is only a matter of time before I start figuring out that Titan enjoys sharing my meals!!!
Brushing all of my gums!!!

Look Mom, no hands!!

Mom can no longer leave me on my mat without being nearby!! She left me this morning so she could brush her hair after her shower...she left me looking like below and found me almost off of my mats!!!

Check out my thighs!! hahahaha:)


  1. Avery you are going up so fast!!!! you are getting taller and biger! you are so cute!!!

  2. Avery, you look no worse for wear after spending the weekend with your big cousin. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

    Love AD
