Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cutie Patootie...

Mommy and I supervising:)
Our windows, doors and my tubbie waiting in the garage:)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Some new pics:)

Playing with my apple sauce:)

Watching my Baby Einstein Movie:)

"Can I get any closer???"

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm 6 Months Old Today:)

Happy Fall!
Enjoying some cucumber, broccoli and oat cereal:)
Me and Mommy!
Playing in the straw maze at Sandhill Nursery!!

"We're off to see the Wizard...The wonderful Wizard of Oz.."

"What's for lunch?"

Mmmm...Grilled cheese:)

Mommy's garage has been framed! Now they are starting on the second floor:)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Some Construction Pics

While Daddy is away the boys are continuing to work hard on our new house:) The first floor is on with all the interior walls done and now they are working on the second floor and the garage! This picture is from the front facing the road.
Here is the back and the garage is being built to the right.
Our living room with a view and the kitchen is to the right.

View from the master bedroom.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This building is really tiring me out!!!

Playing with Ellen and the goldfish at Roger's Cove!!

I'm such a big boy now that I can sit in the shopping cart...for short periods of time!! yay:) It's so much easier on Mommy than carrying me around while we shop!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And the sub floor is on!!!

Here are Dad and I enjoying the view from the sub floor!
Helping Uncle Jeff with the saw!!

Titan workin' hard, as usual:)
Having lunch at Fairvern in my big boy chair!
With Great Aunt Di, Great Great Aunt Gail and Uncle Ivan, Great Grandpa, Nanny and Great Grandma!!
Playing at Couchiching Park on Saturday! Here we are on the train.
Enjoying cucumber at the park.
Swinging with Keegan. Thanks Ethan for sharing your swing:)
Playing lacrosse with Poppa Shirtliff while he was on a break from helping Dad with the house!

Ethan and Grandma hammin' it up!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Uncle Jeff, Titan and Daddy working hard!!

Amongst his breaks from helping my Dad, Uncle Jeff plays with me!!

``Let me show you how Uncle Jeff!``
Mommy and I getting ready to get the mail and walk up the hill to see the progress on our house!!

Mmmm...pear, cucumber, cookies and oat cereal:)

Daddy has been busy building our house!!!

Titan is the official supervisor and neighbourhood watch dog!!!

Daddy says I'm still too young to help...So I'm practicing playing iwith my construction utensils from Lindsay Boucher!

And wearing my work boots from Great Aunt Dale:) Thanks:)
